Performanceand Parameters Made of high-strength steel and by special weldingprocedure, this machine is very firm. its guiding columns are made of specialsuper strong steel, which surfaces are coated with cadmium, and have perfecttorsional strength and wearing capacity. Its material distributor, using sensorand hydraulic proportional driving technologies, can produce forced centrifugaldischarging under the function of swing and arc-breaking mechanism to providequick and even material distributing, especially suitable for producing thinwall and perforated block. Under the control of computer, the materialdistributer can produce vertical synchronous vibration by hydraulic drivingsystem to carry out low and perforated blocks. Under the control of computer,the material distributor can produce vertical synchronous vibration byhydraulic driving system to carry out low frequency material distributing andhigh-frequency block forming. And its multi-source vibrating system can giveperfect vibrating effect to differ raw material.